Tuesday, April 12, 2011


Part 2

After our day in Provo we still had a busy evening schedule. But due to Mike's great driving skills and traffic being not that bad we got into the valley alittle earlier than we planned. So we took a break from my jammed pack schedule and enjoyed some free time at the local park.

 Mason's so funny. He's starting all those wonderful pre-teen stuff but he's still not afraid to show his child-like enjoyments.
After our free time we headed to my parents for dinner. I forgot to take some photos. I'm weaning myself from soda so I started to get really tired. So I just relaxed and watched our kids play with all my parents dogs. But I found the strength to enjoy her home cooked food.

The last spot for the day was a visit to our friend Diana's house. She is so amazing. Our kids were tired but their case of "sleepy heads" were fully gone when we walked into her house.

Our kids played and played and played while we talked and talked and talked.
After a nice 2 hour visit we finally dragged our kids into our van waved goodbye. Mike and I really enjoyed our drive home....3/4 kids were asleep. No traffic. And our hearts were filled with love and peace from the spirit testifying to us on so many things. It was an amazing day. And I can't wait to do it all over again.

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