Friday, April 22, 2011


We are a 1 income family so there are times when we have just enough for our needs but there are times we have enough to put aside for our wants. But thanks to Extreme Couponers I have learned a few more tips. I already used coupons when I went grocery shopping but from watching a few episodes online I've learned a few more tricks. In 1 month was brought down our grocery bill $100. And with that money I was able to get this child bike trailer.

My amazing husband built it for me within 5 minutes. But it took about 10 minutes for the girls to realized they weren't going to fall through. Then the crying was exchanged for laughing.

 They love taking bike rides! I asked Lily if she wants to go for a ride to get some wind in her hair. She yelled "Yes; wind in my hair" and kept yelling that while we rode around the neighborhood. Now for me to get back in shape so we can go further without mommy needing a break.

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