Monday, March 25, 2013

Dad's and Donuts

This post is long overdue. A couple of months ago Hailey's class along with the other first grade class had a "Dad's and Donuts morning"
The students sang songs, played games, and of course ate donuts with their daddy's. Mike told me that there was such a huge turn out. The thought of 60+ dad's taking work off or going in late just so they could eat donuts with their kids made my eyes glossy. All are such great dads especially Mike since he took the day off :-) 
Well the reason for the late post was because I wanted to post these pictures but couldn't find them....until last night. Yeah for finding them! I loved how Hailey drew Mike.
A few fun facts she learned about Mike during their parent interview time. And he learned that she loves tumbling, the color pink and red, and bacon. ( ummm....wonder why? (-:  ) This was a fun and memorable morning♥

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