Tuesday, August 3, 2010

Lily says"Burp" (which means Bird)

Lily has grown so much over the last few months. She is talking so much more, making jokes, learning to dance the Robot, and above all has fallen in love with birds. With this new discovery Mike and I took everyone on a family outing to Tracy Aviary. And we were so happy that Grandma Sue was available to come with us.
Lily had such a big smile on her face when she seen the ducks and pelicans.
When we started our journey of learning the kids were all excited. Mason was sick for 2 days so we were all house cooped and beginning the first stage of being house crazy. So the fact we were outside was wonderful for everyone. The kids mapped out the entire park. Here's Mike helping Hailey make a route on her map.

Lily didn't really care which bird we seen. As long as she got to see the birds- that made her happy. Which also made it difficult to take pictures of her. This is my attempt to take a special photo with her.

Here are some fun moments:

Then we had lunch. A nice picnic under a shady tree, great conversations and were invaded by peacocks for our leftovers.

Ducati is showing off  her 2 bottom teeth.

Next on our schedule was the bird show. Since Mike and I thought this would a breeze since Lily likes birds they sat in the front row.
Big mistake.....once the birds started flying over our heads Lily ran to the back row where I sat with Ducati. (nursing in private) She still enjoyed the show but from a distance.
After the bird show we walked around alittle more. I had a pocket full of duck pellets that I really didn't want to bring home. We feed some more ducks, Lily showed off her climbing skills
she would climb onto every stump and say "Tah Dah''

And Hailey played in this beautiful garden.

And soon the sun heating us all up and a few of us needed a nap ASAP so we ended our fun. Our visit was great. The smile on Lily's face was so amazing to see.  This is something we will have to do again....real soon.

1 comment:

Angie and Jerome said...

I totally called Mom while you guys were there. :) Looks like fun! Ducati and Lily have grown sooo much! What a cute lil family.