Friday, December 11, 2009

Welcome Ducati

I know everyone has been waiting for this posting...but things can get a little busy around here but now here it is.....
On Friday morning Mike and I went into Davis Medical Center. The night before we didn't get any sleep. Mike worked until 5am and I was up doing the last minute things to ensure Hailey's birthday stuff would be done. So excuse the silliness of the next photos.

So when we got there we had to wait a little longer since another woman decided to give birth so we took some photos...

Mike trying to experience pregnancy...

he wanted me to pose dead....not really sure why???

Anyways....finally it was our turn. I got all numbed up,the doctors did their thing...and at exactly 10am Ducati Alaina Michaela was born.... Here's the photo gallery of her

She weighed in at 8 lbs. 5 oz., 20 inches long. And every last bit of her was pure beauty

proud papa moment.....

we thought this was so adorable....her lip cuteAfter the doctors did their thing of stitching me up I finally got to hold my baby girl...
love at first sight

But Mike on the other hand would not let her go....she had him wrapped around her a little pinkie already.....

But who could blame him?


Angie and Jerome said...

100% BEAUTIFUL!!!! Congratulations to all of you!!!! We so wish we could have been there. (after the delivery of course...not during LOL) We love you guys sooo much!!! Thanks for all the beautiful nieces and awesome nephew! Much much love!

Laurel said...


I am so happy for you guys!! Congratulations! Your family must be loving the holidays now that Ducati is born. She is adorable. I absolutely love the picture of the girls sleeping together -they are going to be best of friends. I hope that your family has a safe and happy holiday. I am so grateful that everything went well and that you and Ducati are healthy and doing well. Tell the family I say hi. THanks for all the updates and the pictures. I love it!!! I am so proud of you. You are a women who is definately on top of things. I cant believe that you just had a baby and you are at home and sending out the good news already. I think that I would still be lying in bed. I love you so much. You amaze me!!


Katie said...

you look amazing! 4 kids and youre still hot to trot! lucky mike:)