Friday, November 13, 2009

Bye Bye Mainstream

Starting on Monday Mason will be officially homeschooled.

The school he WAS going to didn't challenge him, had such low expectations that it made Mike and I furious. And none of his dozen of teachers would listen to us and raise the bar. So today Mike and I brought some school stuff, I've made his lessons, we got some books, etc.

We know it will be different and possibly hard at first but this is our child and we have to do what's right for him.


laurel and aaron said...

WOW, good for you guys. I am surprised that the school didnt try to help you out with alternatives. I am sure that it will work out for you guys though. I will keep you in my prayers. love ya.

katie said...

good luck ang. i know thats a rough decision, but you know your kid best, and im sure things will be better now! :)