Saturday, February 28, 2009

Fat Cats

Saturday afternoon we went to Fat Cats. ( I know we're doing a lot of stuff..but we got our tax return and after paying off some bills we figured all save and no play makes us really unhappy)
When we got there we had to wait about 40 minutes for a lane. So we wasted some time in the arcade. Mason and Mike played Air hockey. Mason loved it!!!Even though Mike took it easy on Mason he still played to win. But Mason didn't go down without a fight. At the end of the game the score was Mike 7 and Mason 5. Mike decided to test his strenght with a middle high score of 8893. Good job babe. You're still tougher than me. When we finally got a lane Mike had to explain to the kids the idea of bowling.Mason picked it up pretty fast. He actually did a great job. He got his first strike and it was amazing.Hailey on the other hand did a great job with her 2.35mph ball rolling. It took the ball so long to roll down the lane the bowling ball actually stopped in the middle of the lane and either Mike orAngie had to roll another ball down the lane to get the ball rollin again. Lily just chillaxed in the hip sling while we bowled. She only got out of the sling cuz daddy had pizza. She smelt it a mile away. But at the end of the night the score was Mike 131, Angie 115, Mason 84, Hailey 56.

1 comment:

Angie and Jerome said...

I'm with you about the tax thing sister! (Stay tuned to our blog) heh heh heh