Monday, November 24, 2008

Welcome Baby Lily

After the blog on Sunday Mike and I headed to the hospital. We got there and checked in. It took about an hour for papers to be signed, questioned asked, and for me to be prepped. Around 9:30am the doctors took me back to the O.R. and did a few gross things that if you really are interested you can google it. And a few minutes later Mike came in the room with his bunny outfit.

I had so many emotions all hit me at one time. Happy, sad, excited, freaked out, worried, nervous that all I could do was cry. Mike was sweet and sang me a song so I could relax. After a few minutes of the doctors doing there thing at 0939 Lily Ana was born.

9lbs 7 oz, 20.5 inches long, brown hair, blue tinted eyes. Here's Mike having his first daddy moment.

Anyways after being snitched up and Mike making the phone calls and text messages we all went onto the maternity ward. However its not a happy ending. Since I had gestational diabetes the nursery had to monitor Lily's blood sugars to make sure she was making her own insulin. But she wasn't. So she was put into N.I.C.U. It was the hardest thing to see. Our little girl we have waited for so long for was now attached to a monitor with an IV in her and tubes and wires.
Mike and I were only allowed in their for her feedings so every 3 hours on the dot we headed down to the NICU and feed her formula (since I didn't have milk at the time) and bonded with her as much as we could. However we both knew that Lily needed this or she would be in bad shape.

1 comment:

Angie and Jerome said...

She is absolutly beautiful! I looove all that hair! We are so very happy for all of you and can't wait to see all of you. Loves!