Saturday, May 21, 2016

Ducati's Birthday Party

Our Ducati turned 6 years old..... 5 months ago. 
But with her birthday being right in the mix of Christmas she's never had a friend party since 90% of the time people are unavailable. So we gave her a belated birthday party. 

To make this easy for her.... and me; Mike and I gave her a budget of $50. We would supply the cake, ice cream, hot dogs, and drinks but anything else would be out of her budget. So she took to looking around our house to see what she could make, reuse, or borrow to keep her cost down. It was so adorable hearing her talk about budgets. 
She wanted a water party. So she spent $10 on a water sprinkler, $15 on a pinata, $12 on candy for the pinata, and $6 on decorations. So she was well under her budget so yeah for her AND me!

But on her party day the weather decided to change so we had to make a PLAN B. So instead of princess water games she made princess crafting games. So I made this Princess Ducati game for her to tape crowns to her head. She loved it! 

She crowned her castle :)

She decorated princess wands! Thankfully Dollar Tree sells glitter glue, stickers, and foam wands. So her new total was an extra $6 but still well under budget. 

Everyone loved decorating their wands with their own dazzle and flare. 

Her little cousin loved his Prince wand Mike helped him make. 

After this the weather cleared up some so Ducati wanted her Pinata outside. She filled this thing up to the top with candy. The recommended weight is 5lbs. She went WAY more than that. 

All the kids had a chance to give this thing a wack!

Her cousin's little hits didn't even wrinkle the paper. 

 Lily on the other hand was ruthless. She want full force on this pinata like it was a zombie invasion.
 After everyone had a turn with the blindfold Mike let everyone have another turn without the blindfold in hopes it will burst faster. NOPE! This thing was built strong!


After everyone trades pieces we ate hot dog lunches. Enjoyed strawberry cake and strawberry ice cream.
 The birthday girl was too focused on cake and ice cream that she didn't look up when I was snapping the photo.

Then it was present time. Haha! Messy table is evidence of a good time. After presents were open the kids just ran outside to open up everything. Soon jumping on the tramp was happening. 

Doorway decorations are always fun!

Some kids had to leave so this left a few who found themselves playing on the swing set.

 Yes! My man is one of those kids who enjoyed himself during the party.
 Ducati had such a great time. She was so happy that she finally had a party for her birthday.
Happy Belated Birthday!

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