Monday, August 22, 2011

Back to School

Today has been the date that both Mason and Hailey have been counting down too....Back to School! Field trips, homework, new crayons that never been open, and friends!

Hailey: A few before school pictures.
She has been so excited to start school. She's had her outfit picked out for a week already. 
 She's had her backpack neatly hidden to avoid any spills or messes.
 At 6am she woke up. She ate breakfast, made her bed, got dress, washed and cleaned herself up.....and by then it was 6:15am! So we watched some early morning cartoons. After a few episodes it was time to get doing. She started to beam from ear to ear!
 Then reality hit her.....HOLY COW! When she seen all the kids that where walking on the sidewalks, on the playground and that were in the hallways she started to get nervous......REALLY nervous! In 2 minutes 2 months of excitement flushed down the toilet. 2 steps from the classroom door she tells me "I can't do this. Just homeschool me."
 But after saying a prayer, talking about courage and explaining that this feeling she is having is OK. And that after a few days it will go away. I felt pretty good about my pep talk but it all went in 1 ear and out the other when she seen some familiar faces from kids from church and our neighborhood. So mom took a backseat and watched my social butterfly open her wings and embrace school life.

Today was considered to be her "Back-To-School" morning since for the remainder of the week her class will have testing. So she officially starts school next week.....but you won't know that after seeing and hearing her excitement. This is one kindergartener who can't wait for school!

He is doing the K12 homeschool program again this year. Last year we had some bumpy roads getting use to this program but this year we are both excited since we know what to expect. Today was his 1st day to start logging in his attendance. But the school lets you start your lessons 1 week early. So for that week we did some lessons to get back into the groove of things. To work out the kinks of scheduling some activities with the 2 tots so he can get some quiet time and some time to allow him to wrap his brain around the idea that summer break is over. This will usually come with some tantrums and major attitude so he had a week to get over this so now he's on board with working again. But he's honest with me when he tells me that he's counting down until Christmas break. 

So to celebrate this wonderful school day we went out to for lunch and only the 2 "school-ers" got the special treats while everyone else got $1 menu items.

What about Lily and Ducati?

Mike was really supportive today while I did the school stuff that he entertained our 2 littler ones. First he taught them how to build a fort and then watched a Barbie movie. Then later in the afternoon he gave
Ducati her 1st driving lesson.

So all our kids had a great day full of education. 

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