Saturday, December 31, 2011

Lunch Date

So to keep off my News Year Resolution while Hailey and Lily were at a birthday party Mason, Cati, and I went on a Lunch Date to Wingers. The only place around here...with good food....that has a gluten free menu and take all the precautions to keep the food safe.

So with Mason getting a free Kids Meal coupon from his K-12 teacher lunch was SUPER CHEAP!!

Anyways it was so nice to have the time to talk with Mason and Cati. Well she mostly stuffed her face with all the GF foods. I really enjoyed this since I didn't have to worry and keep telling her "NO"....Back to Mason- I learned that he really enjoys comics so we talked about Superman, Batman, and X-men. He didn't believe me when I told him that I use to watch the X-Men cartoon was a kid.

We talked about starting school. His fears, his excitement and his hope of finding some friends. I learned that he likes soccer and was just a great lunch date. Great way to kick off the year with having some kid quality time.

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