Today Lily is 2 months and she is learning and growing so much. Mike taught her how to stick her tongue out.
Mason and Hailey taught her how to deliver a very nice upper cut.
And I taught her how to do "The Woman Look" I figure she will need to learn this very important skill so why not teach her early.
But in all honesty Lily has grown so much. At her check up she weights 11lbs 13 oz and 24 inches. She's in the 90% percentile. Just meaning for how big she was born and she's growing great.
She wears 3-6 month clothing. Told you she was a big girl.
She still loves her showers. She recognizes the sound of the shower water and gets really quite and just waits for her turn.
She laughs and smiles all the time. She giggled for Mike once but I got her laughing. I mean really laughing. It was cute. This is the second time I got her to laugh and I tried to record it the best I could. It has a low volume so put your speakers up loud to hear her laughing.
She looks around at everything. It's kinda creepy when you think about it. Two little blue eyes just staring at you.Following you around as you walk about.
She still loves to be cuddled. I brought a snugli (baby carrier) She hated it. I thought she would get use to it but after 3 weeks she would just cry while in it. So I took it back. She loves skin to skin. That's fine. We're a cuddling family.
And thanks to grandma Felicia who brought her one of those baby 3-in-1 gym things. Lily finally has something that entertains her and it's not me.
Oh yeah she also got her first set of shots. Granted Mike and I are going to limit some shots she's going to get but for the ones she got today she was a champ. Cried only for a few seconds. And after that Hailey comforted her and she was smiling away again.
I looove that woman look! She's got it down!
Wow she's practically a young woman! Tell her to knock it off! She's such a little princess, just like her big sis. They grow up so fast.(sniff)It's so cute to see how much you guys enjoy all your sweet kids. Loves!
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