Today Lily is one month old. Time really did fly by. She is getting bigger. I'm not sure how much she weighs but your arm sure does get tired after a few minutes if your'e not used to her. But here's a few updates on her.
-She rolls over half way. She gets stuck on her shoulder but she keeps trying. Any day now...
-She still snorts when she is hungry. Not as much since she discovered crying gets her fed sooner but it's still adorable.
-She lifts her head up. She can only do it for a few seconds but she's doing it. she hasn't quite got the hang of turning her head yet. But she is always watching and looking at you. She's taking in the world. She might stare at the wall but to her it's interesting.
-She loves country music. Really any music but if she had her choice she'd go country. So needless to say we have one on our radio presets set to a station.
-She hates baths but loves warm showers. If she's having a crying session one of us will jump in with her and she calms right down. She can stay in there all day. Too bad our hot water heater doesn't allow it.
-She sleeps for about 5-7 hours straight at night now. I was determined to get her on a sleep schedule (mostly for my sanity) and now every night she'll fall asleep around 9 or 10 pm and sleeep until around 430am. That's fine by me.
-She LOVES to cuddle. She'll sit in her many seats (swing, bouncer chair,crib,couch, car seat,etc.) for only a few minutes before she wants to be held. So between all 4 of us she is always being held.
-She is a gold digging infant. I don't know where she learned it from since her momma is a pretty simple girl. She must of got it from her daddy. But she showed her baby blue eyes and see what someone gave her. $160 bucks. She needs to teach me that trick.
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