Wednesday, November 5, 2008

Doctor Dolittle

So to understand this entry you'll have to read 2+2=4 entry which is in the October archive. Mike and I went to see the doctor yesterday and now we think that the medical profession is just a guessing game. (I can say this since I want to be in the field later in life)=)

At the doctors office I found out I have gestational diabetes. That's ok. I know it happens to pregnant women and it goes away after delivery it's just for the moment I have to cut back on sweets and monitor my blood sugar. But we already knew that so I've been cutting back on juices and watching what I eat. But because of this new discovery my doctor put our due date back to DECEMBER 3. When he saw Lily in the unltrasound he thought she was just older so this is way he pushed the due date into Novemeber. But now he knows she is just a big baby.

So my question to the doctor was if she's getting too big can I have her early so she's not to big to deliver naturally? And we had a few other questions but Mike and I got the impression that he had no idea which later was confirmed. So on thursday I have an appointment with a specialist who can anwser some of our questions and will do more test on me and Lily.

But to answer how we are doing with this new development...Mike looks like he is doing ok. But I can tell that it bugs him cuz he was getting really excited for Lily to be here and worried since I'm still in pain and still dilated. (I know he loves me but it's funny when he calls me and I don't answer. I get yelled at cuz I can pop any minute and he needs to know how I am doing at all times-it's sweet) And for me I feel the same way too. Lily is ok. Bigger and I'm assuming smushed. She doesn't kick as much anymore but pushes alot.

But like I wrote prior that some divine help has put Mike and I on this baby path so I think we should just stick to that. Let God handle this matter and Lily will come when she gets here. I might have her early since my body is getting ready but the day is all on him.


Julia said...

You're in our prayers! We love you guys! Let us know what the specialist says!!!

Anonymous said...

Oh man Angie I feel for you! That's so comforting isn't have a doctor that doesn't know anything!?! Hang in there you two! Much love! Angie & Jerome