Wednesday, November 12, 2008

Destiny...Fate....whatever you wanna call it

Mike and I have found a few things in our past that just seem really AWESOME to us.

- Years ago I use to work with Shanna. When Dave and Shanna came to town I met them both. The whole time Mike was catching up with Dave I was just staring at Shanna. Not to be creepy but I just couldn't figure out why she looked familiar. Then Viola I remembered.....

-We were neighbors only a few years apart. Mike lived on Winsor Street with his family. Then a few years later I lived in the house right next to it. I think it's still kinds cool.

-Lastly Mike knows my family. Actually Mike, Michelle, and I think Sue. When he lived in Murray the family 2 houses down with 4 girls named Suzette, Trisha, Cynthia, Laurel, etc are my family. Michelle and my cousin Trisha were best of friends until her untimely death. I spoke with Mike about my cousin Trisha when we first meet but he must not of been paying attention to me or something but when we seen Suzette at the doctors office and started talking it all clicked.

Some might say that I was stalking Mike but maybe it was fate that we be together. That since our lives have been inner twined for so long it was only destiny that we meet. So finally after years of crossing paths we finally met. Maybe that's why we knew so fast that we were meant to be together. Cuz we've been in each others roads for the past 10 years. So we already knew each other just hadn't met yet. I feel this is the coolest part of it all.


Angie and Jerome said...

How romantic!!! Not to be cliche` but it's a small world after all. (so cheezy...I know)Loves!

Julia said...

wow, it looks like you two were just meant to be together!! --sigh--How sweet!!