Monday, October 21, 2013

101 inventions

This is the main reason why I love homeschooling. The...


My mom took us all to the Leonard's exhibit of 101 inventions that change the world. This museum is truly an interesting one. The exhibits change so my interest peaks each time a new exhibit comes there. 

 kiddos trying to create electricity with a bike. Mason was unable to get pedaling fast enough to light up the light bulb.
 Hailey on the other hand was able to make the light bulb shine. She giggled the entire time the light shined on her.

 Animation exhibit. Computer sensors copy our movements so then the little cartoon dances like you are. My kids loved that! Anyone want to moon walk with them?

The next meterologist tv stars.
 and some much stuff that kids are encourage to touch and play with that my kids were having tons of fun :)

then the presentation of the 101 inventions. While the movie payed my kids danced. That seems about right :)

Thanks Grandma for the great AND educational day. :)

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