Tuesday, August 28, 2012

End of Summer Vacation

Summer Vacation is over. All is left is 1 more weekend and then Mason and Hailey will be back in school. So for the last few days we've tried to do some fun things to end summer on a good note. 
After a few visits to parks and libraries we ended up in New York!

Here's Hailey by the Brooklyn Bridge
HAHAHA.....we went to NYPD pizza place in Layton :) Had you there for a second!
 Our kids love going out to restaurants. As well do I since I don't need to do dishes.
 Afterwards we went to Krispy Kreme for some free donuts.
Hailey is showing off her 2 donuts. Since it was her day she got to have the last one. Lucky girl!

With 1 week until school start our kids wanted us (mostly me) to cram about 10 activities into 1 week. I don't think so. But I did promised them that we'll start doing alot more family activities. They understood and promised to exercise patience. They're such great kids! Now for me to start planning more outings  :)

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