Sunday, April 1, 2012

Conference Activities

This weekend was the 182nd Annual Conference which Mike and I were so excite to watch. We had so many questions and concerns that we just needed the guidance that only listening to the spoken word of our living prophet and his apostles can bring.

So while Mike and I were getting ready to listen to conference I was searching for activities for the kids to do while the sessions were on T.V. Normally we have them sit and listen to the speakers but that usually leads us to yelling at them to sit down. So we've tried those packets you can print out. But our kids usually color all 20 pages in about 5 minutes. So that wasn't going to work.

After about an hour on Pinterest and a new ink cartridge.......

I. Had. A. Plan.

I printed up some activities. Went to Dollar tree for a few things. Baked a fresh batch of cookies.
When there was a new speaker the kids received a new activity. So every 8 minutes it was something new. This helped with Lily and Ducati so it was able to keep their attention long enough. Some activities took longer so it would carry over into the choir songs. But there were 3 rules this time-
#1 No talking.
#2 No activities during prayers or songs
#3 If you're done early just wait until the next speaker

Some activities were


 more coloring....
 made some clothes pin airplanes..(during Pres. Uchtdorf talk since he's a pilot)
 some word searches....
as well as some memory game of the general authorities which is something I need to play so I can remember all of their names. The kids had snacks during certain talks, poster board painting, made 1st presidency finger puppets, etc.

There were a few bumps with having to share the markers but other than that small bump things went smoothly.

Mike and I took notes to the point where my hand could no longer write anything. I received more answers than I was expecting. Mike and I are so excite to download this conference so we can listen to it for the next 6 months. (that's our thing :-)....)

I. Love. Conference!

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