Tuesday, March 20, 2012

Milk Shampoo

After some deep thinking after reading more and more about Celiac the thought came to me that what might be causing some of Mike and Cati's skin rashes could be ME!

I love how my hair feels after a nice Deep Dove Conditioning. But when Mike gives me a hug or when I lay by him at night I might be causing a reaction. I'm not sure but after all the precautions I've made from only cooking gluten free. Making our own body wash, house cleaners, and yogurt....I could be it.

I know that after the kids took a shower the shampoo residue stood on the shower so if Cati took a bath then she would get a reaction. I've read where people are so sensitive to gluten that walking down the flour aisle or near a bakery it could cause a small reaction.

So to take this gluten-free lifestyle one step further so I searched for a homemade shampoo recipe. We've used the baking soda and water "No-'poo" method but it just make all our hair feel weird. So thankfully Pinterest had a few ideas so I tried this one last night.

Coconut Milk Shampoo- 2/3 cup of castile soap, half a can of coconut milk, 2 tbs of olive oil, and about 20 drops of essential oils.

I mixes it all together and divided it into 2 empty shampoo bottles. Mike was the first one to try this new shampoo and he loved it. But we're all loving this coconut shampoo. The only CON to this recipe is that it's only good for 1 month. So there's no stockpiling on this mixture. I can stock up on the ingredients instead but I'll have to make it every month. Plus the cost of all ingredients was $15. But figuring the math I can make about 8 bottles of shampoo so about $1.87 a bottle. For me that's pretty expensive since I'm use to getting shampoo free due to coupons. But it's a small price to ensure that it's gluten free.

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