Thursday, January 19, 2012

New Week

With Mason having a less than great week last week Mike and I did as much as we could to help Mason have a more successful week at school.

Besides being grounded for 1 week- Mike and I talked to him about being kind to others. We've prayed for Mason. We've talked to his teacher about some simple phrases that Mason automatically knows like "Nice hands". He's known this phrase since he was around 3 years old and something about it helps him remember how to behave with his hands.

But I also wanted to do something that would help Mason remember all his good qualities and that would help remind him to show those to others at school. So I made him this little card that he just keeps in his pocket.
 I know it's a bit blurry. Mason has a hard time standing still... but that's OK.

All the card is is some scrapbook paper and I wrapped some packing tape around it to prevent any rips.
But it says:

I am smart
I am kind
I am important
I am special
I am a child of God
and mom loves me

I made it so when times arise that he gets angry, sad, overwhelmed, or just needs something to pick him up again he can look at it. So far it's been a great success. He's told me that he looks at it while in school. Which I thought was really great but the biggest success is when I drive him to school.

Our family is a big believer on affirmations and how positive words can influence someone. So when I drive him to school we go over these statements. I say them and then he repeats the sentence. Yesterday morning while driving to school I asked him to say " I am brave." He looks at me and says," Mom I am brave." (in a confident sort of way) It was so wonderful to hear him say that.

 I've never notice Mason's confidence levels before since I was always with him. But he has some real fears that contribute from having autism and from past experiences. So to hear my son say, "I am important and special" , is an amazing feeling.

But back to Mason's school week. This week he received all G's (Great) in his behavior notebook. So from U's (unsatisfied), to A's (average) to G's that's a big accomplishment. Mike and I are so proud of him. And Mason's really proud of himself too.Which I think is the more important than anyone else's opinion of him since he's learning to validate himself first.

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