Sunday, October 30, 2011

30 to 30

As Mike's 30 to 30 continues I am starting to get confused on what I've given him and I don't want to forget so here's the latest...

Day 4 Jones lemonade with our photo on the label.
 I was going to order it but it cost $16.99 for a 6 pack so I went the cheaper and faster route and just purchased on at the store and taped our photo on there. But he still liked it.

Day 5 was Detroit Lions golf divots and magnetic ball makers.

Day 6 glow sticks... 

The sound of glow sticks is weird but my husband loves glow sticks. Every time we go to Dollar Tree we can't leave without buying a package. So with his love affair of them I planned our date around glow sticks...which made him very excited.
 We had a "Tron" home date. I made this identity disc from our Frisbee and hot glued some glow sticks on there. After bundling up and we headed outside to play disc wars. It was so fun to play in the dark and all we could see was our necklace glow sticks and the frisbee.
Afterwards we went back inside watch the original Tron movie and grabbed a drink along with a glow in the dark straw that I found at Wal-Mart's $1party section.
I was orange and Mike was blue but I bet everyone could tell with the height difference between the colors.


Day 7 a Halloween shirt

23 more days left. This is getting exciting. 

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