Today is the big day. Hailey was at her other dad's house in the morning where she received everything her diva self would have ever wanted. Then in the afternoon she came home to prepare for her baptism.

Here is Mike and Hailey. They are so excited!
Soon all her family and friends came. She loved all the support she received on her special day.
The program was done beautifully by the families of both Hailey's. Mike spoke about the gift of the Holy Spirit. He actually winged it since his my opinion.... sounded like something more appropriate for Elder Quorum. But he did a great job.
After all was done my Hailey took pictures with all her guest since she didn't want to forget who came.
After all was done my Hailey took pictures with all her guest since she didn't want to forget who came.
Her Grandma Tena
All 3 of her grandma's.
Her other dad
Haha.... alittle photo of my younger guy and me. :) He looks so grown up
Both Hailey's. She look so adorable!
Hailey's sweetheart friend. She's is so attached to her that I feel very blessed to have this amazing lady in her life.
Our fabulous family on this special occasion. Doesn't Hailey just look amazing?!
When we got home everyone changed so we could celebrate before Mike had to head to work.
It's been a while since she's eaten cake. Yummy!
And for her birthday Mike and I got Hailey a pair of roller blades.
But since it's December and wet/cold outside she practiced in our small tile kitchen.
She roller bladed so much that she didn't want to take them off when it was time for bed. She's very persistent so we made a deal that she can go outside so long there as no ice,snow,rain, or stuff that's wet. A deal was made :)
I absolutely love this girl. She is such a gem to me. She is a blessing to me, our family, and all that meet her.
Happy Birthday Hailey. xoxo♥