Tuesday, July 30, 2013

Dream Car

Mike's new car!
Yup. Every night while he dreams he'll be dreaming about this fantastic car he seen in a grocery parking. He liked it so much that I -yes- took a photo of him next to it. :-)

Monday, July 29, 2013

Daddy's little girl

Lily is so smitten with her daddy. She's stuck on him every minute he's home. So it's not uncommon to see them two together. Sweet pair :-)

Sunday, July 28, 2013

Pioneer Weekend

Pioneer Day turned into a 5 day weekend.
So besides the usual laundry, vacuuming, and fixing our overheating van we were managed to squeeze in some fun family time.

*Drive in to see the movie Turbo

* Family bike ride

*Hike to Donut Falls. Beautiful!

* Temple Square Trip

 visiting the church history museum where they have the 100 years of Boy Scouts exhibit. Really fun and maybe more since I'm a scout assistant leader. :-)
 Plus the museum is displaying orginial Norman Rockwell paintings. I'm not a really fan of his but to say that I've seen one up close and personal is pretty cool. But I couldn't get too close since Mike informed me that there's lasers that measure even dust so that I needed to stay a safe distance away. Not a problem ;-)

* Waterfall hike. 

 It was so nice to end our holiday with a nice family activity.


 Hailey going into the waterfall. Brave girl!

 I got a picture of him. I knew I could do it! :-)

 Mike's curiosity lead him to go into the waterfall. Ouch!

 Random fun moment: "Help water's in my shoe", says Ducati.

 "Look babe I made a pool", says Mike.
 But it turns out he was on his knees. I laughed so hard when I seen Lily start walking on his pool. Busted!
It was so much fun to be able to spend so much time together. Our holiday might have started off on a low note but we ended on a high note. :-)

Friday, July 19, 2013

Lagoon Day

Every year my mom gets a discount for Lagoon through her work and today was that day. Yeah!!!!

My kids have gone before but this was the first time that they were able to really enjoy themselves. Little memories of the day:

Cati just sitting in the bumper car and allowing it to just spin around. She didn't even put her hands on the steering wheel. 

 She's so stinkin' adorable.
 Merry-Go-Round is always a big hit with our family.
 Kiddie Rides. Mason and Hailey would cheer for Lily and Cati while they rode their little kid rides so they would feel special. Sweet kiddos of mine. :-)
 Hailey is getting to the age where her sense of adventure is more important than her sense of safety. :-) She loves all the scary, so-fast-they-make-your-stomach-woozy, rides. So she went with my mom on most of those.

But she was with Cati and me on the log water ride.
 Super fun!
 My mom, Mason and Lily on the log ahead of us.
 Mason really wanted to ride this dragon coaster. He was smiling the entire time.
 My mom, Hailey, and Mason
 Cati was barely tall enough for most of the rides. But hey an inch is an inch. It counted! :-)
 Spinning tea cups smiles.
 Hailey and I look so much alike. A couple of beauties.
 Lily's favorite ride.
 Lily was stuck on Mason the whole time. She only wanted to sit with him. Sweet to see them bond like that. :-)

 Train ride. My favorite ride. It gave me a chance to sit. :-)
 Mason's so funny with his smiles.
 Kiddie dragon roller coaster. Of course Mason was down with going with Lily.

 And my mom can't leave a place like this without getting my kids a souvenir. She really spoils them. ( that's OK)
 After hours and hours of fun in the summer sun my kids were beat. They came home. Ate dinner. Cuddled on the couch and fell asleep so early that I didn't know what to do with myself for the rest of the night. I'm not complaining :-)

( when we got home Lily allowed Ducati to cuddle Mason. For only a few minutes then she wanted her big brother back. Thanks Lily for sharing him)

Sunday, July 14, 2013

Pond Adventure

After church we headed up to our local pond and had ourselves a wonderful, peaceful, and fun afternoon. 
We started our family time with a little service project. Each set of partners had a pair of gloves and a trash bag so we could clean up the trail and pond. I didn't think it was going to be so gross but....Oh.My. People are gross. 

Anyways after the clean up we enjoyed the nice cool water. :-)

 Everyone had so much fun. This time I remembered to pack the life jackets and floaties. So I was much more relaxed when it came to our kiddos playing in the water.
 As you can see I had the littler ones double protected. Can never be too safe :-)

 Look.... I was there too..... Mike says I need to take more pictures of me.

 After playing for a little while we enjoyed a nice waterside picnic. :-)

As you can see Ducati enjoyed her lunch. Nothing shows happiness like marshmallows. 
But now it was time for Mike to show off his tree roping skills.  

 After doing some crazy water tricks

He inspired our girls to give the rope a try. Alittle nerve wrecking but they need room to breathe too.

First up, Hailey. It took her a few dry runs to build up her confidence to go all the way.


 But she had so much fun. That she was one of the few who kept getting in line to do it again.

Next, Lily.
 For a 4 year old she's fearless. She just grabbed the rope and went at it. No stopping her once she sets her mind on something.

 Last, Ducati. She's so adorable.

 Since she's so short she couldn't even reach the water line when she let go of the rope. So Mike would catch her mid-air then swing her over into the water and splash her body half way.

It was so adorable to watch her. All the grown men around us would stop and say, "Awwww!" 

But we did more than just play in the water. Lily went nature searching for camouflage leaves.

This is what she found. Can't see her huh?

Mason he just sat in a floatie and relaxed. And every time I tried to take his photo he'd turn his face. Never fear I'll get him next time.

We had so much fun. This family time was very much needed. I can't wait for next weekend's family time. :-)