Mike was hired as a part time graveyard custodian/production crew worker for The Church of Jesus Christ of Latter Day Saints. So basically he cleans the buildings on Temple Square. And he
also helps fixes things, cleans the statues, helps with setting up things for events, and etc. He's still learning all his responsibilities.
He knows that it will be difficult for alittle bit. He'll still work the warehouse job in the morning. Then come home and nap for 3 hours. Then go to Temple Square and work 4 hours. Then come home and nap another 3 hours before starting this all over again. Saturday and Sundays he'll sleep. And that's all. 6 broken up hours of sleep 5 days a week.
And how will he do this?
Alot of Mountain Dew, prayers, and Heavenly Father. God wanted him there for a reason so Mike's counting on God to get him through this.
I pray that the managers see how amazing of a worker he is and will offer him a full time position so he could quit his warehouse job. But we need to not only have faith in God but also in God's timing.
And as for me....... I could hardly ever get my husband to help clean our house. He hates cleaning bathrooms. He hates things that are sticky, smelly, dried up, puked on, colored on, stained, etc. So to see his eyes light up when he's telling me about vomit control during events at the conference center- it's absolutely amazing. He's so excite to go to work. He's happy that God bless him directly with this job.
(He interviewed once before with the church and asked as he left if the recruiters prayed over each person who interviewed. And the manager said that most departments do. So the man who interviewed prayed about Mike and was prompted to offer him a job. How amazing!)
Working for the church is something he's wanted for a very long time. So I'm going to support him every single way I can. If buying him 10 Mountain Dew's is what's going to help then I will. If driving him to and from work is something that will help then I will do it. If leaving with our 2 noisy toddlers every Saturday is going to ensure that he gets some good sleep then we'll be using our zoo pass alot more.
And if anyone asks what motivated him to do this? He'll say this...
Like he woke up. So right now things might be difficult but he wants success. He wants to get out from under these student loans. He wants to save for our house. He wants to get on the right road for the career he wants. All from a video. It goes to show that God speaks to us from all forms.