Mike and I started off this great day with a downtown date. I got to pick this date from beginning to end which I was really excited to do. We started with a nice bullet bike ride to SLC. I admit I am really liking our bike rides now. Then we grabbed a large salad from Pier 49 and went to the Gallivan Center. There was suppose to be a concert but I guess the band called in sick but there was some nice music being played from a sound system.
We ate our salad and read from a book we are reading "Hold Me Tight" This book is completely life changing. Next we went to the Salt Lake Art Center. There is an art group called Project 337. They do such amazing things that are out of this world. But first here is some random pics from the other exhibit called "Not just another pretty face"
Mike was really getting into the art.
2 of my favorites.... (above and below)
But here is 337's work. They made a mini golf course which was pretty fun, interesting, and hard to play but great to admire. Here's the photos from that:
the birds eye view
a few interesting holes..... this one played the Donkey Kong theme when you got the ball in the hole. Behind the wall are 3 old school arcades ie Donkey Kong, Pac Man, Super Mario.
Crossing the border...
Paper shredder. It was hard to find our ball when it went into the paper pile.
Kill the clown. We just gave up on this hole. We didn't know how to get the ball over the other side.
Regan. We thought this was going to be a straight shot since the hole is on the other side of the desk. Nope! There was plexi glass under the desk. Laughs on us!
Sneaking a kiss IN Hole 16. We had to hit our ball up an incline. And I followed my ball and soon realized that the incline dropped.....along with me. Mike being such a gentleman followed after me.
And a few other holes....
I won the art course by 1 stroke!! I rock art (ha ha)
But then we took a walk upstairs so see the last exhibit and wow I was blown away. This is a rehab program through the jail called A.C.E. ( i think) and I was so moved by this man's story. I will try to enlarge the photos so you can see his story.
He gets hurt at work and starts taking pain killers so he can go back to work. But then becomes addicted. He loses his wife and son. So he robs a house for money to fed his addiction which lands him in jail. This moment is why I love art.
Enough with the heavy stuff...
After this we headed back home to relieve our new sitter. And continue our great day with our kids.
As a family we wanted to try again the whole idea of taking them out to a restaurant so we headed to Prairie Schooner Steakhouse in Ogden. If you never heard of this place- don't feel bad. We didn't either until I see it on CityDeals. (thanks Diana for telling us about citydeals)

The kids were in awe the whole time we were here. We ate in cover wagons, there were stuffed animals everywhere, and the entire restaurant was dimmed so low that the lantern was our only light. So needless to say it was kinda hard to find something if you dropped it.

Lily's so stinking cute! We had some small appetizers afterwards. Sorry I think these are so cool looking I had to take a photo.

At the end of our meal Mike and I were pretty partied out. So we gathered up our million of kids and started our way back home.

The kids had a great time....and so did we.