Wednesday, June 30, 2010


Hailey and I are BIG Twilight fans (or obsessed...same thing) Anyways I was undecided if I wanted us to go to the Wednesday afternoon showing or stay up and watch it at 12am. So Mike made that decision for me. He got us Twi-fest tickets for Jordan Commons. There were a few things that left me concern but Mike said "I needed to leave it to him" I did. Hailey and I took two days to prepare for our late night with staying up late watching Twilight and New Moon, making new Eclipse purses, and taking a huge nap tuesday.

But when we arrived to was so amazing. So many people but so worth it. I would guess that their might be 100's of people there and I didn't recongize one person. But other people thought Hailey was so cute especially she was the only kid at the party.
The tickets included alot of perks and swag so the money he spent was worht it. We brought home so many things.....
Italian ice, Eclipse necklace, Hailey got another Twilight necklace (she's showing it off) photo buttons,I purchased Bella's engagement ring (so pretty) werewolf pasta (that was delicious when i made it), shirts, cups,
and etc...that I just can't remember at this time.

But the fun just started when the cast look-a-likes started to show up. They had to wait until sundown...sparkle reasons. Jacob, Victoria, Alice, and Roseline. Edward is such a dancing machine!
But after 2 hours of Hailey asking me "Is the movie starting yet?" I finally was able to say "Yes"
We were tired and I had moments when I thought we weren't going to make it but we did it!  But I am more impressed with Hailey. She stood up until 3am....I guess my mother judgement got alittle twi-distracted.
But it was a great girl bonding date. Eclipe rocks but Mike ROCKS more for getting us the tickets.


Looking back June has been a pretty good month. We've had some moments of unhappiness and close calls of freak outs. But other than that it's been a great start to our summer.
Mike and I went on a little afternoon date. We went for a ride on his bike. It was pretty fun. I'm slowly warming up to the idea of him being a biker. During our date we went to Tasty's in Kaysville. Ever been? Delicious donuts that painters had to commemorate.

Mason received two more scout things....he wants to jam out the rest of his book next week so we shall see.

Ducati discovered herself....and loves to look at herself

An afternoon at Farmington Pond. The kids splashed around we feed the ducks.Who knew ducks like Corn Flakes?

And Mike learned to walk on water...but no big deal.
Ever see a Ducati ride a Yamaha? Well she's skipping training wheels and going for the big bike.

It's been a nice pace to be able to enjoy our summer days of cool water, sweet treats, loud laughs and great memories. Thanks for a great start June.

Saturday, June 26, 2010

Scout Camp (Jurrasic Journey)

Mason made it on his first official Scout camp

On the first day there were 15 other boys and a total of 4 leaders in our group

The first thing we did was learn the rules. And they made a very big deal about recycling, and told us to be sure and recycle.

Then to pass some time until all the other troops had checked in, the Scouts did a stick pull. Mason did very good at this activity. He weighs a good 25lbs more, and is about 6 in. taller than anyone else in his troop.

Here are some of the scouts playing in the giant dinosour foot prints.

Here's our troop singing along with the camp leaders.

Nature hike

The enterance to the Volcavo. Inside, I learned about rocks, I say I learned, because all the Scouts in our troop already knew about all the rocks they had to show. It really made me feel dumb.

On a side note. This is the car that the camp supervisor drives, when he pulled up a billowing cloud of smoke followed. After I finished caughing, and gasping for air, I took this picture. If you look closely you will see that the muffler and exhast system is held together by rope. No amount of recycling will compensate for the amount of damage this car does to our atmosphere.

And we finished up day one learning about flags.

Scout Camp Day 2 (Super Hero Camp)

Yaaay!!!!  GUNS!!!!

We started out day two, by making our way to the shooting range, to shoot BB guns
After shooting. the Scouts did an obstacle course. First they would climb over a four foot wall, run over to me (I'm Superman, in case you couldn't tell) take a piece of kryptonite from my bowl, run through some tires, in between some suspended PVC pipe, and put their kryptonite in another bowl.

Then it was the Bat mobile. Four Scouts would push the car, and steer it through a dirt path, while one Scout would sit on the car. Above: The Scouts waiting their turn to either push or ride. Below: Mason being pushed through the course by some troop members.

Monday, June 21, 2010

You're so loved

This year the kids and I spoiled Mike for Father's Day. Saturday after scout's camp we began our celebration. The kids made these crafty hearts that Mike really liked since he's into tools and stuff. And we purchased him a few of his favorite things. 4 gallons of Moon Pie ice cream, a new Lions shirt,
a new photo dog tag, 2 movies and a journal. For dessert Hailey and I made him a strawberry cheesecake. Mike really felt spoiled. He enjoyed it!  But after gift time we headed outside and played. This is our favorite summer activity so far. Mike made an attachment to our trampoline so water can squirt out. It's really nice on hot days.

Afterwards we all headed in, ate dinner, watched one of his movies (Return with Honor) and he shared his delicious dessert. It was a wonderful day. On Sunday sincewe had church and Mike had to work I made him a breakfast for champions. But looking back in our almost 3 years together I couldn't of asked for a better father. He picks up where I leave off. He laughs with me when our kids have tantrums. He loves all 4 kids even when they drive him to take a mile walk to cool down. We love our dad and are thankful to have him. So we made this poster for Mike.... (I hope you can read it)

Happy Father's Day

Sunday, June 20, 2010


No photos, no images, just raw emotion.Over the last few years I have seen and felt myself learn and grow. As a wife, mother, friend, daughter, sister-in-law, daughter-in-law, and as a child of God. I have had many struggles and still fall back into them. (Don't ask Mike what they are cuz he won't tell you). However for the last few weeks I can feel my heart changing. And it feels weird to tell everyone who might be reading our blog. I don't think it's that many but sharing is still sharing.

I have recently been called to be a vising teacher supervisor. It's small cookies in this big jar. But I feel that my Heavenly Father knows what and how he can help me grow. I have had some struggles with my shyness. It takes extreme force usually by Mike to help me not be a wall flower. I feel that some of my guard comes from my past relationships and choices I have made....and some from having a child with Autism. I feel in order to protect him from the cruelty of uneducated people I have to keep my guard up until I can trust you. ( I just thought of that right now) .However lately I have been trying to meet some women/people in our ward. All have been very nice to me. I actually have agreed to attend a weekly playgroup. But over the last few years I have become accustom to being private. Sharing my gifts, talents, and ideas with only a select few.

But now I feel that I was meant to share what I hold with others. I know God asks his children to share their talents...but it's easier said than done. I know it will take me some time to open up even more to people. But I want to share that I am an interesting person. I love to create...might it be with cakes, crafts, dance or art. ( I actually got an art scholarship for college many eons ago) That Mike,who is the most interesting person I have ever known, didn't marry a lump on a log. Some might not understand what he sees in me. Honestly I feel the same way but whatever it is I am very glad he sees it.

So I want to make this my first step. My first reflection. If you would like to leave a comment feel free. If not that's ok...I did this more for me.

Wednesday, June 16, 2010


Ducati is now 6 months old. She went in for her check up and she's perfect. (The doctor said this- not me)She's 14.1 lbs, 25.5 inches long and her head cir is 16 3/4. So that makes her in the 50% percentile of everything.
Other news: she said her first word yesterday "Dada". Mike didn't believe me but when we ate dinner she started saying it again. Ha Ha....taught him a lesson on believing your wife. But back to Ducati....she is a rolling machine. Which is kind of backwards since she learned to sit up first. She is also eating baby food (loves bananas but hates peas! Who can blame her?) And is drinking from a sippy cup. So stage 1 in weaning her from nursing. But she still is a huge cuddler and loves belly raspberries. She wakes up every morning with a huge smile on her face and that always makes my day have a great start.  

Thursday, June 10, 2010


Mike has gone 8 1/2 years without a license due to some choices only he can tell but not no more....I had to capture this most wonderful legal day. So while he was dealing with this I went and paid all the taxes and registered his bike. Sorry I am not thrilled about him driving a bullet bike. It sounds dangerous. But boys and their toys. So all he needs to do now is take his motorcycle road test. Right now he has a bike permit.

Saturday, June 5, 2010

Nicco Dayz

Mike had a great company party. From 8am- 1pm the day was filled with great family fun. First we hit the games and activities. There was a pallet jack race for the employees. Mike didn't win but he was the fastest one out there. He would of won if he didn't nick a pallet. But he still did a great job!

Then after working up an appetite we headed to the free food and drinks. Mason loved this. He eats like a grown man. Ducati loved the ice cream.

 Next Face Painting. But in Ducati and Lily's case they got painted on their arms.

And here's some other fun photos:

(Mason sat on those tires to help the smaller kids who would crash into them back on the go-kart course. He is growing into such a young man) Then he fell asleep during the drawing.Ha Ha. But the day was coming to an end so I took all the kids back to our van while Mike waited to see if he won.

And he did won a prize. A canopy chair, a hat, and 4-in-1 emergency radio, flashlight, outlet thing. It sure was a fun afternoon. Everyone there was friendly, kind and fun to be around. I can see why Mike likes his new job.