Hailey and I are BIG Twilight fans (or obsessed...same thing) Anyways I was undecided if I wanted us to go to the Wednesday afternoon showing or stay up and watch it at 12am. So Mike made that decision for me. He got us Twi-fest tickets for Jordan Commons. There were a few things that left me concern but Mike said "I needed to leave it to him"....so I did. Hailey and I took two days to prepare for our late night with staying up late watching Twilight and New Moon, making new Eclipse purses, and taking a huge nap tuesday.
But when we arrived to Twi-fest...it was so amazing. So many people but so worth it. I would guess that their might be 100's of people there and I didn't recongize one person. But other people thought Hailey was so cute especially she was the only kid at the party.
The tickets included alot of perks and swag so the money he spent was worht it. We brought home so many things.....
Italian ice, Eclipse necklace, Hailey got another Twilight necklace (she's showing it off) photo buttons,I purchased Bella's engagement ring (so pretty) werewolf pasta (that was delicious when i made it), shirts, cups,
But the fun just started when the cast look-a-likes started to show up. They had to wait until sundown...sparkle reasons. Jacob, Victoria, Alice, and Roseline. Edward is such a dancing machine!
We were tired and I had moments when I thought we weren't going to make it but we did it! But I am more impressed with Hailey. She stood up until 3am....I guess my mother judgement got alittle twi-distracted.
But it was a great girl bonding date. Eclipe rocks but Mike ROCKS more for getting us the tickets.